Goals and Objectives

​ Goals

The goals of the Department of General Studies are:

  1. To ensure that increasing proportions of General studies courses are available on a flexible basis, adopting blended learning to other departments and local companies where appropriate.
  2. To lead students to develop an excellent grasp of the fundamental concepts in their principal areas of study.

  3. To lay a foundation for life-long renewal of knowledge for the students.

  4. Through its core courses the department provides a sound scientific and mathematical foundation for the college's specialized programs.

  5. To offer core courses in humanities and social sciences which add value to the student's life and the society.

  6. To develop and deliver the graduate programs in Science and Mathematics


The objectives of the Department of General Studies are:

  1. To provide the learners with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to cope efficiently with their specializa​tions.

  2. To develop an active research culture in the department to keep the lecturers up to date with current developments in their areas of interest and promote an academic and studious environment.
  3. To offer specialty training courses for local com​​panies by assisting working professionals and improving academic and technical knowledge of their trainees.

  4. To develop fitness techniques, healthy practices and mo​ral behavior that is relevant of student`s well being.

  5. To award academic degrees through promoting the de​partment into a faculty of science in which the academic staff are knowledgeable and take pride in the quality of their teaching.

Current Department Offerings

A variety of courses to the preparatory and specialization students.

  1. Several short courses for local companies.

Possible Future Offerings

  1. Certificate on Food Nutrition
  2. Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Physics, and Che​​mistry; with minors in Environmental Science , Petrochemical Science, and Statistics

Department Facilities

Upgrading the laboratories with state of the art equip​​ment and computer controlled experiments

  1. Implement a mathematics laboratory equip​​​ped with modern up to date scientific equipment and software that will serve the college students and assist computer-aided learning.

  2. Develop Physical Fitness diagnostic lab