Administrative and Finance

Welcome to the Administration and Finance department at the Jubail University College. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to the good stewardship of JUC’s financial, physical, and human resources. We provide a wide range of support functions that are vital to the operation of the University and to the success of students, faculty, and staff. Our goals are to provide high-quality services, enhance the learning experience, and ensure safe and functional living and learning environments at Jubail University College.

راشد الهلال

Rashid Al-Hilal

مدير ​الشؤون الإدارية والمالية
Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs
عنوان العمل: مبنى أ مكتب 12
Location: Building A, Office #10​
هاتف:  Tel #: +966133426920​
البريد الإلكتروني:  Email: